For this special set of circumstances, I have created a one-off Telegram channel for today’s Weekly Webinar—here is the link:
The broadcast will be audio only, and will last 2 to 3 hours. Because of my situation, and the emotional toll it has taken on me, I’m not sure I will have my usual endurance.
I am very much looking forward to this Ask Me Anything. And I would very much like to hear any question you might have that is not related to the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The only thing I ask you is to be brief and to the point. Respect the other people who want to ask questions and make comments.
I am making this webinar available to all of my Patreon subscribers. This is not how I usually do these webinars, which are usually highly structured with a PowerPoint presentation. But these are very unusual circumstances, and I want to make good on my commitment to you guys.
Look forward to talking to you.